Saturday, September 27, 2008

Best acne fighting pills

« ...Yes, we all know that women are more inclined to suffer acne than men. However, we cannot discount the fact that a considerable percentage of men are afflicted with this condition....
...Finally, what causes the different types of acne? Non-inflammatory acne cause blackheads (known as open comedomes) and whiteheads (closed comedomes), while inflammatory acne forms pustules and papules. Blackheads are caused by a plug enlarging inside an open follicle, and the black color is due to the infected sebum reacting with air and the skin pigment melanin (not dirt!)....»
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«...I was gutted, as I knew it would not be possible to do that fast twice a month, for two reasons: 1) it's very hard to eat nothing but apples and leaves you with no energy at all, and 2) doing the fast that often might have been dangerous for me as I was already underweight and found that it made me lose some weight......»
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tags: home remedies to reduce redness of acne, salicylic acid peel and acne scars, home remedies to clear acne forever

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