Wednesday, October 1, 2008

How to get rid of acne for kids

« ...It has been determined that for some women, oral contraceptives and hormone therapy may be beneficial. Much of the debate over hormone therapy centers on risks of cancer or heart attack. But for many women, they say that estrogen makes them look and feel younger. Hormones do not change the effects of genetic aging, sun exposure damage, or damage caused by smoking. Clinical testing has determined that hormones seem to limit collagen loss, help the skin to improve firmness and elasticity and decrease the depth of wrinkles and pore size. The researcher do not have enough prove to recommend estrogen replacement for skin care alone, and it is not FDA-approved for this, but if you wish to try it, talk to your doctor about how it could benefit you....
...Acne is one of the most prevalent and most difficult skin problems to treat. Not only does acne cause physical discomfort and blemish it also can be the cause of stressful angst and embarrassment leaving the acne sufferer with less than positive feelings about themselves....»
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«...Heredity or genetics may be another factor. Family history will show whether acne is a problem within your family. . If other members of your family had acne as teenagers, there may be a chance that you inherit a tendency toward getting acne as well. Researchers believe that the tendency to develop acne can be inherited from parents....»
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tags: how can i get rid of acne scars fast, acne medicine during pregnancy, acne scar before and after fraxel treatment pictures

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