Wednesday, October 1, 2008

What causes acne on your back and chest

« ...So have you been trying to scratch your brain trying to find why you have acne? Well you might be assuming till now but what you are about to discover would not only shock you it would also get you into the thinking mode where you would come to a rude awakening that if you have acne it's actually your fault and not someone else's fault. Read on to discover the major mind twisting reasons why you have acne......
...During childhood, the sebaceous glands are small and virtually nonfunctioning. These glands are under endocrine control, especially by the androgens. During puberty, androgens stimulate the sebaceous glands, causing them to enlarge and secrete natural oil called sebum, which rises to the top of the hair follicle and flows out onto the skin surface. In adolescents who develop acne, androgenic stimulation produces a heightened response in the sebaceous glands so that acne occurs when accumulated sebum plugs the pilosebaceuos ducts. This accumulated material forms comedones....»
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«...Another way to get rid of acne scars using the latest technology if through the Dermabrasion treatment. It involves the use of spinning diamonds or wire brush to wear down the first layer of the skin. The skin would usually take a long time to heal compared to laser resurfacing starting from five days to ten days after the treatment. However, when the skin is completely healed from the dermabrasion treatment, new skin will form having a smoother and fairer glow....»
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tags: food that cause acne, home remedy emergency acne care, azelaic acid acne over the counter

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