Monday, August 4, 2008

How do i get rid acne scars on face and food that reduces acne risk

One of the most popular ways to get rid of acne scars fast is through the treatment called Laser Resurfacing. This medical treatment is advisable for those who had a serious fight against acne, leaving deep marks and dark blotches on the skin. Laser resurfacing treatment is only done by a licensed dermatologist in his clinic. With the use of the laser, the top layer or the damaged part of the skin is removed. Afterwards, the middle layer of the skin tightens. It would result into a smoother and flawless skin. The skin is expected to completely heal within two to three days.
Acne is not simply caused by dirt or build-up, but dirt and oil can worsen the condition. Other factors that elevate the chances of acne are certain tumors, endocrine disorders, oily skin, exposure to weather extremes, hormonal changes, stress, and the use of certain drugs (such as estrogen, testosterone, cortisone, and others). Acne is not contagious. A tendency to develop acne can persist through ages 30's to early 40's.
You better see what you eat- Often our eating habits affect our acne condition. You see spicy and oily foods should be avoided at all costs when suffering from acne. And this is the hardest thing to do for most people out there. During acne it's always recommended to go for as many natural foods as possible to get the best possible results.
tags: acne care treatment, how to clear up acne scars home remedies, free acne cures

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